What's Counterparty?
Counterparty extends Bitcoin’s functionality by “writing in the margins” of regular Bitcoin transactions, opening the door for innovation and use-cases not possible with Bitcoin alone.
Enables users to create and trade custom digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. By leveraging the security and decentralization of Bitcoin, Counterparty allows for the creation of unique, secure, and transparent tokens that can represent anything from art to real estate.
Uses smart contracts to automate complex financial agreements. Users can create custom financial instruments that execute automatically when certain conditions are met. This allows for a more efficient and secure way to manage financial agreements on the blockchain.
Provides the infrastructure for building powerful decentralized applications on the Bitcoin blockchain. By using open-source code and cutting-edge cryptographic technology, developers can build secure and transparent applications that run on a decentralized network. This enables a wide range of use cases, from gaming to finance.
Secure Your AssetsEvery Counterparty wallet is also a Bitcoin wallet with extra functionality that allows it to support the Counterparty protocol. There are several different wallets, each with a different design and target audience.
Advanced Features:
Best Counterparty Wallets - Counter Wallet
Discover counterparty offering the innovative platform that enhances Bitcoin's functionality. Create and trade assets seamlessly. Join now to unlock endless possibilities with the counterwallet!
Enjoy the Counterwallet, the secure wallet for managing your digital assets effortlessly. Access the best wallet of the counterparty platform. Manage your cryptocurrencies with ease and confidence - start managing your wealth today.
Unlock the power of secure transactions with the best Counterparty wallet - Counter Wallet. Execute smart contracts with the great open source wallet on the bitcoin blockchain. Effortlessly manage, send, and receive cryptocurrencies while enjoying top-notch security features with the best bitcoin wallet.
Experience secure and user-friendly crypto management with the XCP Wallet and manage xcp token. Safeguard your assets, track transactions effortlessly, and enjoy seamless access to your digital currencies with our wallets. Start using xcp and other fungible tokens today. Create an account and swap tokens with crypto exchanges of decentralized exchange dex. Use counterparty xcp wallet and enjoy.
Enjoy a user-friendly interface for managing multiple assets effortlessly with non custodial wallet counterwallet. Use the best bitcoin wallet with a joy.
Unlock the potential of Bitcoin with the best counterparty bitcoin wallet - Counter Wallet. Counterwallet offering innovates today!
Manage your cryptocurrencies effortlessly with Counterparty XCP wallet and be sure your private keys and seed phrase are safe.
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Latest News

Counterparty Partial network outage - Post mortem
10/17/2024A non–consensus bug was triggered at the activation block of the recent protocol change which caused many nodes to slow to a halt, causing a partial network outage. We released a hotfix which resolves the issue, and any users experiencing issues should upgrade to this version.

Counterparty Development Update — Counterparty 2.0
9/18/2024Counterparty Core v10.4.0 has been released, marking a major milestone in the project's history with new features like UTXO support, Fair Minting Protocol, and more.